Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dr. Zakir Naik

Prabhakaran "asks Dr Zakir, will non-muslim go to heaven or hell"

Dr. Zakir Naik

Rose asks Dr zakir  "jesus (PBUH) was born miraculously. How was prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born

Dr. Zakir Naik

Reply to the allegation that Muslims are hypocrite as they are living in an interest based economy 


Dr. Zakir Naik

A non-muslim girl  who is suffering from  psoriasis since childhood wants to know why is God punishing her or examining her for no fault of hers


Dr. Zakir Naik

What is the significance of ka'aba sciencetifically and logicallyand why Muslims circumambulate around it?

Dr. Zakir Naik

Is working in a total halal or haram?

Dr. Zakir Naik

How did mary (PHB) give birth to jesus (PHB) according to the Qur'an?

Dr. Zakir Naik

Is there any sign or has anyone seen after a person dies wether he goes to heaven or hell?

Dr. Zakir Naik

Can a Muslim lady give a public talk if she wears a hijab?

Dr. Zakir Naik

Do I need to be a Muslim to believe in God?

Dr. Zakir Naik

  How To Quit Listening To Music